Flashback to of our Childhood Best Animated Movies

There is no denial to this statement: Old is gold, 90s kids surely had the most amazing childhood filled with good content that is hard to find these days. The shows and movies we watched while growing up are full of valuable lessons, emotions, great characters, and more. Covering all the shows and movies in one blog is simply not possible, but I would love to discuss some of my favorites here. So, let me start with: Lion King No other movie or even its remakes can ever beat this one. What a classic it is that will remain fresh forever. Every character and every scene of this movie is epic. Let’s take a look at the opening scene: This is no ordinary opening, yet a feeling. If we listen carefully to the lyrics of the song, it means something. If we see the video properly, it also shows us something. I just loved how all the animals respected their king. Of course, if you are a good leader, all the members will love and respect you. That was something ...