Flashback to of our Childhood Best Animated Movies
There is no denial to this statement:
Old is gold,
90s kids surely had the most amazing childhood filled with good content that is hard to find these days. The shows and movies we watched while growing up are full of valuable lessons, emotions, great characters, and more.
Covering all the shows and movies in one blog is simply not possible, but I would love to discuss some of my favorites here.
So, let me start with:
Lion King
No other movie or even its remakes can ever beat this one.
What a classic it is that will remain fresh forever.
Every character and every scene of this movie is epic.
Let’s take a look at the opening scene:
This is no ordinary opening, yet a feeling.
If we listen carefully to the lyrics of the song, it means something.
If we see the video properly, it also shows us something.
I just loved how all the animals respected their king.
Of course, if you are a good leader, all the members will love and respect you.
That was something from their story over here.
The Lion King is not just a movie; it’s a life lesson for all of us.
It is very common and easy to run away from responsibilities, but that is just not the right decision to make.
Not for others or even yourself.
Maybe right now you don’t feel it, but later regret will remain with you.
Always remember who you are.
That’s what Mufasa taught Simba.
A lesson not only for him but for all of us.
I would love to mention some more moments, characters, and scenes that we all enjoyed the most:
- Simba is all growing up (Hakuna Matata song ending).
- Monkey’s character (all of his scenes, including fighting and conversation with Simba)
- Pumba/Mr. Pig vs. Hyenas
- Scar vs. Zazu
The very first scene is Scar and Zazu's entrance with the statement:
Did your mother not tell you not to play with food?
Totally hilarious.
Also, the scene in which Scar kept Zazu in a cage as his background singer
The hate and disgust were clear in his voice.
Isn’t it?
Now, let me also come to the most painful scene that brought so many tears to our eyes:
Not only children, but parents also cried at this scene.
Such a powerful and full of emotion scene it was.
Mufasa was a legend and a true king who was betrayed by his brother out of jealousy and power.
Some people consider The Lion King as another adaptation of Hamlet by Shakespeare, but I am not completely sure about that.
Either it is or it is not, it is one of God's best creations.
Now, let’s just come to the final scene of this masterpiece.
The background music when Simba was going to take his position is just everything.
No matter how many times you watch it, it will still give you goosebumps.
He took responsibility, avenged his father, and made everything right.
He simply remembered who he was.
A great movie, which we saw when we were kids but understood better as grown-ups.
Moving on to the next one:
Kungfu Panda
Po was one of the cutest characters who proved that your intentions are what matter most in defeat, not your body.
All three parts of this movie series are great in their own ways, but the first part is unbeatable.
Isn’t it?
The way we saw Po’s complete journey from being a simple, big fat panda to the Drago Warrior was just amazing and funny.
I can never forget the scene in which he was chosen for Drago Warrior:
And also:
Po vs. Stairs
He defeated so many enemies, but not this one.
There are so many funny moments that are still fresh in our minds and hearts, making Po one of the most lovable characters.
I loved all the characters, especially Master Oogway and Po’s Dad.
Let me share one scene of their best scenes.
Starting with Oogway:
This is one of the most magical scenes in the whole Kung Fu Panda movie series. The conversation between Shifu and Oogway seemed simple, but in reality, it was so deep.
That’s true:
We can never understand what something is capable of.
The best quote by Master Oogway is:
"Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; but today is a gift. That is why it’s called present."
The best life lesson for all of us
Now, coming to Po’s dad:
He was such a cute character, just like Po. Even though he wasn’t the real father, the way he raised, cared for, and loved Po was just really sweet.
The audience adored Po more than his actual father, who was shown to us in Part 3.
Their hugs are simply unforgettable.
Not only him, but we really enjoyed his bond with the Furious Five and Master Shifu.
Of course, he didn’t have a good start with all of them and was really tortured in the most hilarious ways.
But later, the friendship they all shared was just precious.
Master Shifu and Po are the best duos in this film series.
A point to be noted:
Only Po and all of the above-mentioned characters are not the only ones that made this movie unforgettable; there was another one:
Tai Lung
One of the best villains from all three parts and any other childhood animated movies
Isn’t he?
Each of his scenes is so appealing that it’s hard to choose a favorite.
His escape scene,
Defeating the furious five,
Confronting Shifu after so many years and
The final battle with Po.
Simple, amazing, and such a treat to watch
I liked the peacock villain from Part 2 (Lord Shen), but Tai Lung was next level.
However, Lord Shen was another savage character who destroyed Po’s family, but later he got what he deserved.
The whole idea of Kung Fu Panda lies in this:
No matter how strong you are, a pure heart can defeat you easily.
Let’s end this movie review with one of its most powerful scenes:
Now, moving on to:
Wall, E
Another masterpiece is created!
We all just loved Wall-E as a movie and a character.
They managed to make a simple robot with so much depth and emotion that are even hard to cater to by humans.
He was lonely but still enjoyed his work and robotic life. He had just one companion:
Cockroach, if you guys remember him.
Wall-E was a very easy one to bond with, and we even enjoyed his friendship with that insect too.
But can we compare it to Eve?
Not really.
It’s quite exhilarating that two machines had a better love story than many normal human beings.
Don’t you guys agree?
This is one of the cutest scenes between these two:
Wall-E is such a cutie and has a pure character.
I loved his innocence and the way he cared about Eve.
Surely, one of the most lovable couples
Apart from the love part, who else loved the funny moments between MO and Wall-E?
I am sure everyone
MO was such a great and amusing character after Wall-E.
All of their moments are really cute, especially the one in which they shake hands and formally introduce themselves.
Eve was a life changer for Wall-E.
Wall-E was a life challenge for MO.
Collectively, we should take responsibility and try to improve the environment for a better life.
The whole mess was created by humans, and they are the only ones who can and should clean it up.
This is not a movie for children but for adults as well.
It’s never too late to pursue your dreams and experience new things.
This is something Up taught us.
It is a beautiful and heartwarming tale of Mr. Fredricksen, who showed us a unique style of traveling from one place to another.
Those who have watched this movie will understand what I mean here.
This movie covers a lot of important topics that help us at many points in our lives.
Before talking anything more about this movie, I would love to share one of its best scenes:
There is no other scene like this. The way their whole life is shown in a single scene is just so beautiful. I have never seen such a great scene that covers almost everything in a couple’s life in a few minutes. No scene could ever replace this one. All their ups and downs, happy moments, and, in fact, their whole life journey together, were summed up in a single magical scene.
This part will always be the heart of this movie.
Mrs. Fredricksen had a dream that, for some reason, she couldn’t fulfill in her life, but now her beloved husband is working on it, and this movie revolves around that journey.
During this mission, he made new friends and learned valuable lessons that he was unable to understand throughout his life.
The other best thing in Up is the friendship between Russell and Fredricksen.
Russell turned out to be a great companion for him during his journey, and they shared a lot of precious moments together.
The first encounter between these two was such a cute and funny scene:
Fredricksen never wanted this kid around him but got stuck with him later.
The way their friendship evolved throughout the movie is so soothing and a complete treat to watch.
For me, the best thing that this movie taught is:
Letting go of the past
It is actually really important, but many people like Fredricksen are unable to do it. Up beautifully presents this idea that can help many of us in our personal lives.
Living in your past is never a wise decision, yet it is a hurdle for letting new and exciting things into our lives.
That was the case with Fredricksen, but his time and experiences with Russell made him realize that it was time to move on.
Do you guys remember the last scene?
This is such a beautiful and emotional moment in the show.
They both had true friends in their lives.
Fredricksen is no longer pissed off but a happy and satisfied person.
The movie has a lot of beautiful and funny moments that will remain memorable, especially the fight between Charles Muntz and
Two oldies fighting is actually quite funny.
Also, all the dogs in the army were hilarious and scary at the same time.
Dug’s love for Fredricksen, the friendship between Russell and Kevin—everything in this movie is very well presented.
This is a movie that brings a smile to your face and tears to your eyes.
Let’s end this movie’s review with this powerful scene:
This is a great way to travel.
We should also try this style at least once in our lives.
Moving on,
Despicable Me
It is indeed one of the most hilarious animated movies of all time. Gru is a super funny supervillain who is planning to steal the moon. However, his life changed when three little girls came into his life.
Point to be noted: Gru is not the only amusing character of this movie, there is a list of other characters too including:
- Victor (another supervillain + main rival of Gru)
- Minions (the cutest and most amusing characters till now)
This movie is a classic example to show us that villains can also be super fun and they also have a heart.
Gru was enjoying his life by freezing people’s heads, and turning others down but deep down he had a good heart too which he discovered later.
This movie is a complete pack of laughter, emotions, comedy, and action. Each character is different from another except for minions of course.
They were all alike but apart from them, everyone had different personalities.
Starting with the girls:
Margo: the responsible one,
Edith: the adventurous
Agnes: the innocent
The way their relationship was shown in the movies looked so real, and picking top one from them is not easy. They all are cute in their own way.
When we are talking about cute and funny characters, we should also remember Kyle (Gru’s dog).
Scary from the outside, but scared from the inside.
Now moving to one of the interesting characters: Gru’s mother.
In a funny way, the movie managed to show us how a lack of attention from parents can change your children’s personalities and make them follow the wrong path. Gru was a talented kid must he never got even one moment of appreciation from his mother that turned him into this.
We used to laugh during their scenes but as we grew up, we can understand the depth of those scenes.
Gru surely deserved love, respect, appreciation, care, and a healthy relationship with his mother.
Luckily, he didn’t act as a complete lunatic and treated his adopted girls well.
Remember this scene:
Gru rocked, the game man was shocked!
Gru surely won everyone's hearts after this scene.
Speaking of which, something comes to my mind:
Such a hilarious scene and what makes it even funnier is Gru’s screams.
Steve Carrell was a perfect fit for this character.
Not only this, there are a lot of other funny moments are characters in the show.
For instance, Mr. Perkins: An evil person but again a funny one too.
The scene where Gru presented him with his plans on a video call and the girls change one of them with him sitting on the toilet scene was an unexpected moment that make it even funnier.
Similarly, Dr. Nefario: One of Gru’s companions
His character was also quite amusing and real. He was noticing how Gru’s heart is getting soft because of the girls and he tried to do something about it. For this, we was hated by many but as you grow up, the hate for him will also reduce.
The girls not only gave Gru a hard time but also to him too.
The first encounter between them was indeed one of another funny scene in the movie.
Also, Miss Hattie
Trust me, she reminds me of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter.
She was actually a scary person.
I guess I have listed all the characters shown in the movie but what can I do?
They all are so great.
If we talk about the scenes, there is not a single one of them which was boring or irrelevant.
Despicable Me has three parts but beating the first one is simply not possible.
Let’s end this movie’s review this one of its most famous moments:
Still fresh in our minds.
The bonding between these two is something that cannot be described in words.
Monster Inc
Another very cute animated movie revolving around the lives of some monsters who had a different styles to generate their energy.
Since childhood, we have been really scared of monsters and that idea is also implemented in the movie but the message it gives us is beyond that.
It is the story of Sulley whose life become adventurous when he rescued a little kid Boo along with his best friend Mike Wazowski.
The biggest lesson this movie gives us:
Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Don’t you guys think?
I have two theories to support this:
First, the monsters are always assumed to be only evil and scary however the movie showed us the opposite of it. Sulley and Mike were both monsters but they were kind and risked their lives to protect Boo. Not only them, but the movie showed many other monsters too including Mike’s girlfriend (Celia Mae) who were good and kind. So, never make assumptions or be biased.
Second, for a very long time, Monster Inc was operating by scaring children that gives them energy and none of their members ever questioned or gone in dept of that. However, after Boo’s arrival, Sulley realized that it might be looking fine from the outside but deep down it is evil + cruel. This makes him question the authority and the system in which he was living for so long,
Apart from this, the movie teaches us about the importance of friendship.
The relationship between Mike and Sulley was nicely presented.
They were always there for each other and deeply cared about the feelings of one another. Of course, they had their ups and downs and were successful to manage all the conflicts that they had.
Mike was surely one of the funniest characters in the whole movie and I enjoyed all of his scenes, especially the one with Boo.
Boo was not the only child in the movie, Mike is the main one.
While talking about funny characters in the movie, 2319 is something unforgettable.
Their scenes were hilarious that makes the whole audience laugh.
Simply, amazing.
These animated movies are presented in a way that even makes evil characters look so dumb and funny.
I am talking here about Randall.
He was pure evil but every time he was defeated in quite a funny way.
He did one of the scariest endings. For those who have watched the movie would understand what I am referring to over her.
Overall, the movie is great and a complete treat to watch.
The bond between Sulley and Boo is the heart and soul of this movie. Boo was definitely one of the first who was not terrified when she met him for the first time.
However, Sulley was so scared of her as she was like Annabelle.
Let’s end this movie’s review with that scene:
One of the funniest first encounters ever.
Now, let’s quickly move to another great movie:
Finding Nemo
A movie teaching us about family importance, protecting marine life overcoming fears and taking challenges for those who are important to us.
The movie tells us about the adventure which Marlin takes along with Dory to bring his son Nemo back to him who was captured by a scuba diver.
The movie also teaches us the importance of protecting marine life conservation and how human interference hurts them.
There is no doubt that fish are happy in the ocean rather than in small jars of boxes of water.
Big oceans are the places where they actually belong.
Rescuing Dory was not an easy journey yet full of hurdles but he acted bravely and brought his son back to home.
Dory was of great help and stick with Marlin in the best possible she can as her memory was not that great.
Thus, at times, she was rather another problem for Marlin but she herself taught her this valuable lesson:
That message kept him motivated till the end.
This is the message we all need. Life is not a bed of roses, but one should never, stop; yet:
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming,
That’s what makes this movie a masterpiece.
Another reason is how colorful that movie was.
Marine life is so pure, refreshing, and unique and contains beautiful creatures that give peace to your mind.
They should not be disturbed.
A movie worth watching.
Last but not least,
Inside Out
Each emotion is important, that’s the message this movie gives us.
Humans have different emotions and if any one of them is gone, we are simply screwed.
This is a misconception that sadness is a negative emotion, but that’s not always the case.
The movie has beautifully presented us:
- Joy,
- Sadness,
- Anger,
- Disgust, and
- Fear
It revolves around the story of a young girl Riley who was going through some difficulties since she moved to a new place with her family.
Joy always tried to keep her happy all the time but later she realized that this is not going to work out later.
Sometimes you have to be sad to be happy again,
You have to cry to laugh again.
That’s what this movie teaches us.
It is a wonderful movie with a deep message.
Overall movie is great and each character is just perfect in their roles.
Out of all the emotional characters, I really enjoyed Anger. He was such a cute one and gave us the best funny moments in the movie.
However, others were also hilarious including the other human characters.
Riley was lucky to have such supportive parents who tried their best to help her out.
Inside Out is a very different animated movie from others and I am looking for the next part of it.
The significance of each emotion is very well presented.
This film gives viewers a memorable journey based on what a person goes throughout his/ her life.
There are so many other great movies that we have seen in our childhood but listing all of them all together is simply not possible.
Right now, I have mentioned my top eight.
Will do Part 2 of this soon.
We are blessed with a lot of great content like this.
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